Taking Care of Your Leather Wallet: How To Clean & Repair The Right Way
Leather wallets are durable through the test of time; although, it doesn’t mean that they don’t need some tender love and care. They’re not exactly high-maintenance, but they do require occasional cleaning and maybe a few minor repairs to keep them in the best condition.
Despite being a sturdy material, there are also a few things you have to avoid going in contact with your leather wallet, or they might cause some damage. Like superman, leather has its own kryptonite.
So, here are a few tips on how to clean and repair leather wallets the right way.
How To Clean Leather Wallets
Cleaning leather material does not require making them shiny and sparkly. Dirt has a way of attaching to leather, which means you also have to protect the material from being unmoisturized. Authentic leather develops a patina that makes it look better even after so many after years of usage. By cleaning the material, you’re also preserving the leather’s quality to make itself useful for a longer time.
First, you have to gather your materials:
- Leather cleaner
- Leather Conditioner
- 4 clean cloths
- 1 small soft brush
Follow the seven quick steps in cleaning your leather wallet once in every five to six months:
Step 1: Check all the pockets and remove the contents of your leather wallet.
Step 2: Shake off dust that might be hanging on the corners of the pockets.
Step 3: Use a dry clean cloth to wipe the exterior and interior of the wallet.
Step 4: Use the small soft brush to make sure that there’s no dust left in the creases.
Step 5: Use another dry clean cloth to apply the leather cleaner on the exterior of the wallet. Wipe the cleaner in a circular motion and cover all areas.
Step 6: Use a slightly damp cloth to wipe away the leather cleaner. This prevents clogging of small pores on the surface of the leather. You have to prevent the clogs to avoid peeling off the surfaces.
Step 7: Using another dry clean cloth, apply a tiny amount of leather conditioner on one spot of the wallet to test if there’s any discoloration. If there’s none, rub the leather conditioner throughout the exterior of the wallet.

It does not have to be cleaned and conditioned every now and then.
But this cleaning routine prevents drying out the leather material and helps extend the quality of your wallet.
Bonus tips:
- Apply a simple brisk dusting technique on the surface of your leather wallet regularly.
- You can use dish soap and water solution as an alternative for the leather cleaner.
- Never use cleaning solutions with bleach or ammonia for your leather wallet.
How To Remove Leather Stains
It must be a rare situation to have a stained leather wallet. Nonetheless, some things are simply unavoidable.
As a general rule, you have to remove fresh stains as soon as you can. Or else, it’ll be harder to remove when it sets down. There are various types of stains with different removal methods, and here are our best tips:
Ink Stain
With a 1:1 ratio, mix water and rubbing alcohol for your cleaning solution. Use a cotton swab to wipe the solution on the stained area. Repeat the method until the stain is removed.
Once the leather has dried up, apply the leather conditioner, following the method stated above. The leather conditioner will naturally counteract the effects of rubbing alcohol on the leather material.
Water Stain
Dried water stain leaves a trace on leather material. If you can prevent it from drying up after getting soaked, you have to dab the liquid using a dry clean cloth quickly. Never use a hairdryer or try putting it under the direct heat of the sun. It’ll dry up faster, but that alone causes the stain to set down on the leather.
You only have to make sure that you remove all the water moisture by dabbing as much as you can, then let it air-dry. After that, you can gently apply the leather conditioner on the leather wallet's surface, using a dry clean cloth in small circular motions. Leave it overnight to let the conditioner penetrate the leather.
Red Wine Stain
Red wine is by far the most challenging stain to remove once it’s seeped through the leather material.
If your wallet is made of finished leather, you can save your wallet from the red wine stain. To know if the leather is finished, test it by sprinkling a few drops of water. Unfinished leather will immediately absorb water drops. Unfortunately, for unfinished leather, you’ll have to ask for professional help in removing the stain.
For finished leather, on the other hand, a simple homemade remedy can help you. A paste solution with a 1:1 ratio of cream of tartar and lemon juice does the trick. Apply the paste to the stained area and let it sit for ten minutes. Using a slightly damp cloth, remove the paste gently. Faint remains can be removed by wiping it with leather cleaner or mild soap using a damp cloth. Again, leave it to air-dry. Then, apply the leather conditioner to finish.
Grease and Oil Stain
Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe off grease or oil stain on leather. For the remains, sprinkle equal amounts of baking soda and cornstarch powder then pat it in until it covers the stained spot. The powder mix will absorb the grease or oil, removing it from the leather. Letting it sit over overnight should do it. After this, use a soft brush to remove the baking soda and cornstarch powder mix. It should look as good as new!
How To Repair Minor Leather Scratches
Gather your cleaning supplies, then add these two on the list: a touch-up leather marker with the appropriate color and replace the conditioner with a leather moisturizer.
Step1: Clean the wallet following the steps stated above.
Step 2: Apply the touch-up leather marker on the scratched areas. Let it dry for a few minutes.
Step 3: Use a dry clean cloth to apply the leather moisturizer. This will blend the touch-up on the leather with a hydration effect.
Leather Cleaning Problems: Solved!
This cleaning and repair routine should help you take care of your leather wallet and extend its quality with regular use. You also have to look for the right products you can use for leather material. Lastly, always take note of the things you have to avoid, and the rest should be fine.